A contemporary painter musician - The Wedding at Cana

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A contemporary painter musician

Jorge Camarero Guitar playerDigital DesignerComposer Musician & Illustrator

Jorge Camarero - Músico e Ilustrador
Con Giorgione, Jorge comparte su amor por el tañer de las cuerdas, y dar luz a escenarios pictóricos de viva imaginación y ambiente misterioso y onírico.
Es él quien está reflejando mediante sus ilustraciones digitales las hipótesis y hallazgos del equipo. Su riguroso y laborioso trabajo logra situar tales líneas de investigación, basadas en los diseños de Manuel Lafarga, en su contexto natural, el lienzo, lo que permite apreciarlas mejor al gran público.
Jorge Camarero - Musician and Illustrator
With Giorgione, Jorge shares his love for playing of the strings, and giving light to pictorial scenes of vivid imagination and mysterious and dreamlike environments.
He is the one who is reflecting with his digital illustrations the hypotheses and findings of the team. His rigorous and laborious work achieve to place such lines of research, based on Manuel Lafarga's designs, in their natural context, the canvas, which allows the general public to better appreciate them.
(C) Jorge Camarero Manzanero - All rights reserved
Music & Language Frontiers LAB
C/ Pintor Sorolla 83, 46400 Cullera
+ 34 611047119
© Manuel Lafarga & Penelope Sanz
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