Ortiz and Giorgione - The Wedding at Cana


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Ortiz and Giorgione

Diego Ortiz

Giorgio da Castelfranco

Javier Alejano identified Ortiz, Manuel Lafarga identified Giorgione
The graphic sequence shows (inversely) the progressive substitution of Giorgione by Diego Ortiz during the last phase of canvas completion. Complete review in the book: Il Veronese and Giorgione in concerto: Diego Ortiz in Venice, by Lafarga et al. (e-print 2018).

Also available the paper for the International Conference of Music Patronage in Italy from the 15th to the 18th-Century, Centro Studi "Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini".

All our silhouettes can be observed and matched over the X-ray image published by the Louvre Museum, at the page 116, Plate 25 of Les noces de Cana de Véronèse: une oeuvre et sa restauration, J. Habert, N. Volle & M.A. Belcour eds., Paris, Editions de la Reunion des Musées Nationaux, 1992.

La secuencia de imágenes muestra (en sentido inverso) la sustitución progresiva de Giorgione por Diego Ortiz durante la última fase del cuadro. Se puede encontrar una revisión completa en El Veronés y Giorgione in concerto: Diego Ortiz en Venecia, Lafarga et al. (e-print 2018).

Puede descargar el texto bilingüe (Castellano/Inglés) ofrecido en la Conferencia Internacional de Patronage Musical en los siglos XV-XVIII.

Todas las siluetas pueden observarse y comprobarse sobre las imágenes de Rayos X publicadas por el Museo del Louvre, en la página 116, Plate 25 de Les noces de Cana de Véronèse: une oeuvre et sa restauration, J. Habert, N. Volle & M.A. Belcour eds., Paris, Editions de la Reunion des Musées Nationaux, 1992.

Who was the unknown second viola player behind Veronese? ...
The musician Diego Ortiz, composer, theorist and maestro di cappella of the Naples Royal Chapel.

This (un)known person was not in the original design. Who was behind him and what instrument he played? ...
The painter Giorgio da Castelfranco, named Giorgione, holding his lute in a silent attitude.

The cornetto player was probably
Jacopo Bassano da Ponte  ...
Jacopo Bassano was not in the original design.

Who was behind him playing trombone? ...

Why Paolo Caliari appeared leaned and twisted in the x-ray images of the scene?

...          What kind of instrument was Paolo playing?

       ...          ....               .....

Music & Language Frontiers LAB
C/ Pintor Sorolla 83, 46400 Cullera
+ 34 611047119
© Manuel Lafarga & Penelope Sanz
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